
A topic can always be viewed from different angles. Perspectives are not always available and come to surface when having someone who encourages you to look in a different direction. The multiple phases of life from child to pupil, to student, to first job, maybe to parenting and then getting older are great challenges during which you might have cone- way vision of your own personal and professional life. In all these challenging periods our inner attitude, our awareness, our ability to draw from the positive and to recognize it, are demanded. The ability to stay focused and in self - command is not always accessible. Our inner compass telling us that we are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole is not loud enough. These are the challenges that we will conquer together.


Dare to take a step

Would you like to strengthen your self-confidence and explore new possibilities that are available to you? Then this is the right step out of your comfort zone and into a new awareness of your own thoughts, capacities, and skills. Reduce negative emotions and become the best version of yourself. Dare to live a life that is fulfilled, exciting, and a beautiful adventurous journey every day! Together we are going to explore your values, we will shine the light on those things that are defining your present everyday life and discover different approaches or limiting beliefs that can be removed.  Curious? – Contact me!

Business to Business

Would you like to have more productive and acknowledging communication in your business environment? Together we are going to develop strategies for you and your team and discuss how to apply them in your individual environment. We are going to explore your values, visions, and goals and how to live them. Conscious and kind communication not only creates space for your voice and thoughts but also helps to develop skills and gives rise to beautiful opportunities. You are going to feel more fulfilled, less stressed and will be more motivated to tackle challenges in your everyday life. As the tension releases, the quality of your life increases.

Mental Fitness

Would you like to strengthen your positive mental muscles and learn to consciously access the “sage” part of your brain instead of the judging one? Shirzad Chamine, New York Times Bestselling Author and Stanford Lecturer, developed the Positive Intelligence Operating System (link – which functions as the foundation for my mental fitness program. Mental fitness is the gym for your brain and will reduce your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, shame, and unhappiness. In a 7- week program I will show you how to train your brain and how to build up your positive mental muscles.



“We do not coach for a problem to be solved but we coach for a life to be lived.” - James Patterson, CTI